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100+ Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 15 Aug 2024

Q1. Suppose one of your relative is seriously ill and nobody is present there except you and you must have to come to office because there is a meeting with clients when you reach office. What will you do?

I would prioritize my relative's health and inform my supervisor about the situation. Assess the severity of the illness and call for medical assistance if necessary. Inform the supervisor about the situation and request for rescheduling the meeting. If rescheduling is not possible, try to arrange for someone to take care of the relative. If all else fails, take a personal day to attend to the relative's needs.

Q2. Two Sum You are given an array of integers 'ARR' of length 'N' and an integer Target. Your task is to return all pairs of elements such that they add up to Target. Note: We cannot use the element at a given ind...

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Q3. Intersection of Linked List You are given two Singly Linked List of integers, which are merging at some node of a third linked list. Your task is to find the data of the node at which merging starts. If there i...

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Q4. Rat In A Maze You are given a starting position for a rat which is stuck in a maze at an initial point (0, 0) (the maze can be thought of as a 2-dimensional plane). The maze would be given in the form of a squa...

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Q5. Suppose a rumour happens in company which is not good for it. What will be your reaction as a TM?

As a TM, I would investigate the rumour and take necessary actions to address it. I would gather information about the rumour and its source. I would communicate with the team to understand their concerns and address them. I would take necessary actions to prevent the spread of the rumour and maintain a positive work environment. I would work with HR and management to address any underlying issues that may have caused the rumour. I would ensure that the company's reputation ...
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When can you use super keyword?

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Q7. What is middleware and how we handle request and response ?

Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between different applications or components, handling requests and responses. Middleware is a layer of software that sits between different applications or components, facilitating communication and data exchange. It can handle tasks such as authentication, logging, error handling, and data transformation. Middleware can be used to modify or enhance the request or response before it reaches its destination. Examples of middleware...
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Q8. What is the difference between delete and truncate?

Delete removes specific rows while truncate removes all rows from a table. Delete is a DML command while truncate is a DDL command. Delete is slower than truncate as it logs each row deletion while truncate only logs the deallocation of data pages. Delete can be rolled back while truncate cannot be rolled back. Delete can have a WHERE clause to specify which rows to delete while truncate removes all rows. Delete does not reset the identity of the table while truncate resets ...
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Q9. SQL Question

Write a query that joins two tables A and B having common attribute ID and selects records(ID_NAME) that have
matching ID values in both tables.

Q10. DBMS Question

What are different types of joins in SQL?

Q11. What is the significance of Sql joins in database management

Sql joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. Joins are essential for retrieving data from multiple tables in a database Types of joins include inner join, outer join, left join, and right join Example: SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON =

Q12. What is OOP’s Concept and how using in DotNet

OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming, a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects. OOP focuses on creating objects that contain data and methods to manipulate that data. In DotNet, OOP is implemented using classes and objects. Classes define the blueprint for objects, while objects are instances of classes. Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are key principles of OOP that are utilized in DotNet development. Example: In DotNet, you can create a clas...
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Q13. What is difference between list and tupple?

List is mutable and can be modified, while tuple is immutable and cannot be changed. List is defined using square brackets [], while tuple is defined using parentheses (). Elements in a list can be modified, added, or removed, while elements in a tuple cannot be changed once defined. Lists are typically used for collections of similar items that need to be modified, while tuples are used for fixed collections of items. Example: list_example = [1, 2, 3] and tuple_example = (4...
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Q14. What is difference between clone and copy?

Clone creates a new object with the same values and references as the original, while copy creates a new object with the same values but different references. Clone creates a deep copy of an object, while copy creates a shallow copy. Changes made to the original object will affect the cloned object, but not the copied object. Cloning is used to create an exact replica of an object, while copying is used to duplicate an object with different references. Example of cloning: Ob...
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Q15. ask introduction. what is logistic regression. how to remove multicollinearity . what is test error. it last for 20 minutes.

Logistic regression is a statistical model used to predict the probability of a binary outcome based on one or more predictor variables. Logistic regression is used when the dependent variable is binary (e.g. 0 or 1). To remove multicollinearity in logistic regression, you can use techniques like dropping one of the correlated variables or using regularization methods like Lasso or Ridge regression. Test error in logistic regression refers to the error rate of the model when...
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Q16. Difference between Abstract and Interface. Explain any scenario where these concept are used.

Abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated and can have both abstract and non-abstract methods. Interfaces are contracts that define methods that must be implemented by a class. Abstract classes can have constructors while interfaces cannot A class can implement multiple interfaces but can only inherit from one abstract class Abstract classes can have instance variables while interfaces cannot Interfaces are used to achieve abstraction and provide loose couplin...
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What do you mean by data encapsulation?

Q18. Java

What do you know about JIT compiler?

Q19. What is Mvc and what is the role in DotNet

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is a design pattern used in DotNet for separating concerns in an application. Model represents the data and business logic of the application. View is responsible for displaying the user interface. Controller handles user input and updates the model and view accordingly. MVC helps in achieving separation of concerns, making the code more organized and maintainable. Example: In a DotNet MVC application, the model could be a class repre...
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Q20. Java

Explain the use of final keyword in variable, method and class.

Q21. SQL Question

What are Constraints in SQL?

Q22. DBMS Question

Explain the concept of ACID properties in DBMS?

Q23. What are the types of joins in Ms Sql

Types of joins in Ms Sql include inner join, left join, right join, and full outer join. Inner join: Returns rows when there is at least one match in both tables. Left join: Returns all rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table. Right join: Returns all rows from the right table and the matched rows from the left table. Full outer join: Returns rows when there is a match in one of the tables.

Q24. What is store procedure in Ms Sql

A stored procedure in MS SQL is a precompiled collection of SQL statements that can be saved and reused. Stored procedures can improve performance by reducing the amount of data sent over the network. They can be used to encapsulate business logic and provide a layer of security by controlling access to data. Stored procedures can accept input parameters and return output parameters or result sets. Example: CREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeeDetails AS SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE...
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Q25. What is Artisan in laravel php framework?

Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel that provides a number of helpful commands for developers. Artisan is used to generate boilerplate code, run database migrations, and execute unit tests. Developers can also create their own custom Artisan commands. Some common Artisan commands include make:model, make:controller, and migrate. Artisan can be accessed through the command line by running 'php artisan' followed by the desired command.

Q26. What is abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Explain each one in detail.

Abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism are three fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming. Abstraction is the process of hiding complex implementation details and providing a simplified interface for the user. Inheritance is the mechanism by which one class acquires the properties and behavior of another class. Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. It allows objects of different classes to be treated as if they were objects of the same...
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Q27. Varify this series 1,4,5,7,8,9 _ ?

The missing number is 6. The series is not in any particular pattern. The missing number is between 5 and 7. The answer is 6.

Q28. Different types of Oops and explain.

There are four main principles of Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, and Polymorphism. Inheritance: Allows a class to inherit properties and behavior from another class. Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit. Abstraction: Hiding the complex implementation details and showing only the necessary features of an object. Polymorphism: Allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class.

Q29. .NET Question

What are the types of memories supported in the .NET framework?

Q30. MVC Routing and Attribute. How can we use two models in a one single view.

To use two models in a single view with MVC Routing and Attribute, we can create a ViewModel. Create a ViewModel that contains the properties of both models Populate the ViewModel with data from both models in the controller Pass the ViewModel to the view Access the properties of both models in the view using the ViewModel

Q31. What is dependency injection in .net

Dependency Injection is a design pattern used to remove hard-coded dependencies and make code more flexible and testable. It allows objects to be created with their dependencies supplied from outside. It helps in decoupling the code and makes it easier to maintain. It can be implemented using constructor injection, property injection, or method injection. Example: In ASP.NET MVC, we can use dependency injection to inject dependencies into controllers. Example: In .NET Core, ...
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Q32. difference between union and union all.

Union combines and removes duplicates while Union All combines all rows. Union is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set with no duplicates. Union All is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set with all rows. Union is slower than Union All because it has to remove duplicates. Union requires that the number and order of columns in all SELECT statements be the same. Union All d...
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Q33. Primary key and foreign key difference.

Primary key uniquely identifies a record while foreign key refers to a primary key in another table. Primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies a record in a table Foreign key is a column or set of columns that refers to a primary key in another table Primary key cannot have null values while foreign key can have null values Primary key is used to enforce data integrity while foreign key is used to establish relationships between tables

Q34. how many types of confussion matrix

There are three types of confusion matrices: binary, multi-class, and multi-label. Binary confusion matrix is used for classification problems with two classes. Multi-class confusion matrix is used for classification problems with more than two classes. Multi-label confusion matrix is used for problems where each instance can belong to multiple classes. Example: In a binary classification problem, the confusion matrix would have four cells: true positive, false positive, tru...
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Q35. What are decorators?

Decorators are functions that modify the behavior of other functions or methods. Decorators are used to add functionality to existing functions without modifying their code. They are commonly used in Python to modify the behavior of functions or classes. Examples include @staticmethod, @classmethod, and @property decorators in Python.

Q36. Fibonacci sequence using recursion

Fibonacci sequence using recursion is a classic problem in programming. Define a recursive function that takes an integer n as input Base case: if n is 0 or 1, return n Recursive case: return the sum of the previous two Fibonacci numbers

Q37. What are the sealed classes?

Sealed classes are classes that cannot be inherited and are used to restrict class hierarchy. Sealed classes are declared using the 'sealed' keyword. They can have abstract members but cannot be instantiated. They are useful in creating exhaustive when expressions. They restrict the inheritance hierarchy and prevent unintended subclassing. Example: sealed class Shape { abstract fun draw() }

Q38. why deep learning is called as deep

Deep learning is called 'deep' because it involves multiple layers of neural networks. Deep learning uses multiple layers of neural networks to learn and make decisions. Each layer in a deep learning model extracts different features from the input data. The depth of the neural network refers to the number of layers it has. Deep learning models are able to learn complex patterns and relationships in data. Examples of deep learning models include Convolutional Neural Networks...
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Q39. What is middleware? What are decorators?

Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between different applications or components. Middleware facilitates communication and data exchange between different software applications. It can be used to handle tasks such as authentication, logging, and error handling. Examples of middleware include Express.js in Node.js for handling HTTP requests and responses.

Q40. How to measure odometer?

Odometer can be measured by counting the number of rotations of the wheel and multiplying it by the circumference of the wheel. Measure the circumference of the wheel Count the number of rotations of the wheel Multiply the circumference by the number of rotations to get the distance traveled Use sensors to automate the process

Q41. How much byte in int?

An int is typically 4 bytes in size. The size of an int can vary depending on the programming language and platform. In C and C++, an int is typically 4 bytes on most platforms. In Java, an int is always 4 bytes. In Python, an int can be any size depending on the value it represents.

Q42. .NET Question

What is a delegate in .NET?

Q43. what is interface ?

An interface is a contract that specifies the methods and properties that a class must implement. An interface defines a set of methods and properties that a class must implement Interfaces are used to achieve abstraction and polymorphism Interfaces can be used to define contracts between different parts of a system A class can implement multiple interfaces Example: The IDisposable interface in C# is used to ensure that an object releases any unmanaged resources it is using ...
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Q44. What is ddl command in SQL

DDL stands for Data Definition Language and is used to create, modify, and delete database objects in SQL. DDL commands include CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. CREATE is used to create a new database object like a table or index. ALTER is used to modify an existing database object. DROP is used to delete a database object. DDL commands are used to define the structure of a database. DDL commands are different from DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands which are used to manipula...
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Q45. Java script difference b/w java script and jQuery anonymous function in java

JavaScript anonymous functions in jQuery are used to create functions without a name, while JavaScript functions are named functions. JavaScript functions are named and can be reused multiple times. jQuery anonymous functions are used for event handling and callbacks. JavaScript functions can be defined using the function keyword, while jQuery anonymous functions are created using the $ symbol.

Q46. .NET Question

What is the difference between Function and Stored procedure?

Q47. Difference between Stored procedure and functions when we use where we use what the profits of its?

Stored procedures are precompiled SQL queries stored in the database, while functions are user-defined routines that return a value. Stored procedures are used for performing specific tasks or operations on the database, while functions are used to return a single value. Stored procedures can contain multiple SQL statements and can have input and output parameters, while functions are more limited in their functionality. Stored procedures are generally used for complex busin...
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Q48. What is sellery expectations.

Salary expectations refer to the amount of money a candidate expects to earn in a particular job position. It is important to research the industry standards and the company's budget before stating salary expectations. Candidates should consider their experience, skills, and qualifications when determining their salary expectations. Negotiation skills are important when discussing salary expectations with the employer. Salary expectations can be stated as a range rather than...
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Q49. .NET Question

What is Zero Garbage Collectors?

Q50. HTTP Question

Explain how HTTP protocol works?

Q51. What is Oops Concept?

Oops Concept is a programming paradigm that focuses on objects and their interactions to solve problems. Oops stands for Object-Oriented Programming System It emphasizes on encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism Encapsulation is the process of hiding implementation details from the user Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class Polymorphism allows objects to take on multiple forms or behaviors Examples of Oops languages are Java, C...
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Q52. What is midle ware in

Middleware in ASP.NET is software that sits between the web server and the application, providing additional functionality. Middleware can handle tasks such as authentication, caching, and logging. It can be added to the pipeline using the app.Use() method in the Startup class. Examples of middleware include the ASP.NET Core Authentication middleware and the Serilog middleware for logging. Middleware can be written as classes or functions that take a RequestDelegate paramete...
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Q53. Create a decorator.

A decorator is a design pattern that allows behavior to be added to individual objects, either statically or dynamically. Decorators are used to add new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure. They are commonly used in Python to modify the behavior of functions or methods. Decorators are implemented using the @ symbol followed by the decorator function name.

Q54. Consept of this use and benifit?

The question is unclear and lacks context. Please provide more information or rephrase the question. Without context, it is difficult to understand what is being asked. It is important to communicate clearly in technical interviews.

Q55. ASP .NET Question

What is Host in ASP.NET Core?

Q56. SQL Question

What are different types of joins in SQL?

Q57. C# reverse string program without using in build feature

Reverse a string in C# without using built-in features Create a character array from the input string Use two pointers to swap characters at the beginning and end of the array Continue swapping until the pointers meet in the middle

Q58. What is mixin and describe with the example.

Mixin is a way to reuse code in multiple classes by including the code in another class. Mixin allows for code reuse by combining methods and attributes from multiple classes into a single class. It helps in avoiding code duplication and promotes modular design. An example of mixin is a class 'Logger' that contains logging methods and can be included in other classes to enable logging functionality.

Q59. Deference between foreach and map ?

foreach is used to iterate over an array and perform an action on each element, while map creates a new array by applying a function to each element of an existing array. foreach does not return a new array, while map does foreach can only perform an action on each element, while map can transform each element foreach is useful for performing side effects, while map is useful for creating a new array with transformed elements

Q60. what is pure pipe and impure pipe?

Pure pipe and impure pipe are concepts in Angular framework for data transformation. Pure pipe is a pipe that is stateless and doesn't modify the input data. Impure pipe is a pipe that can have side effects and modify the input data. Pure pipes are more efficient as they are only executed when the input data changes. Impure pipes are executed on every change detection cycle, even if the input data remains the same. Pure pipes are denoted by the 'pure' keyword in Angular. Imp...
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Q61. abstract class with example

Abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and can only be inherited by other classes. An abstract class can have abstract and non-abstract methods. Abstract methods have no implementation and must be implemented by the child class. Non-abstract methods can have implementation and can be inherited by the child class. An abstract class can have constructors and variables. Example: abstract class Animal { abstract void makeSound(); }

Q62. Remove space from given dataframe and concat the first and last name and add new column to dataframe.

Remove spaces from dataframe, concatenate first and last name, and add new column. Use str.replace() to remove spaces from dataframe columns. Use to concatenate first and last name. Use df['new_column'] = concatenated_names to add new column.

Q63. what is boosting

Boosting is a machine learning ensemble technique that combines multiple weak learners to create a strong learner. Boosting iteratively trains a series of weak learners, where each subsequent learner focuses on the mistakes made by the previous ones. Popular boosting algorithms include AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost. Boosting is often used in classification and regression problems to improve predictive performance.

Q64. HTTP Question

What is Session State in HTTP?

Q65. what is bagging

Bagging is a machine learning ensemble technique where multiple models are trained on different subsets of the training data and their predictions are combined. Bagging stands for Bootstrap Aggregating It helps reduce overfitting by combining the predictions of multiple models Random Forest is a popular algorithm that uses bagging

Q66. .NET Question

What is Dot NET Core used for?

Q67. What's is meaning of success?

Success is achieving one's goals and feeling fulfilled in the process. Success is subjective and varies from person to person. It can be achieving a personal or professional goal. Success can also be measured by the impact one has on others. Feeling fulfilled and content is a key component of success. Success is not always about material possessions or wealth.

Q68. What is assests pipeline in rails.

Assets pipeline in Rails is a feature that helps manage and compile assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images for a Rails application. The assets pipeline in Rails combines and minifies assets to improve performance. It allows for easy organization and management of assets in a Rails project. By default, Rails uses Sprockets as the assets pipeline to handle asset compilation and management. You can customize the assets pipeline configuration in the 'config/initializers/assets....
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Q69. What is inheritance?

Inheritance is a mechanism in object-oriented programming where a new class is created by inheriting properties of an existing class. Inheritance allows code reusability and promotes code organization. The existing class is called the parent or superclass, and the new class is called the child or subclass. The child class inherits all the properties and methods of the parent class and can also add new properties and methods. For example, a class 'Animal' can be a parent clas...
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Q70. Why use routing?

Routing is used to direct network traffic efficiently and securely. Routing helps to find the best path for data packets to travel. It enables load balancing and fault tolerance. Routing protocols like OSPF, BGP, and EIGRP are used to manage routing tables. Routing can be static or dynamic depending on the network requirements.

Q71. what is oops, and some oops concepts

OOPs stands for Object-Oriented Programming. It is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects. Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit (object). Inheritance: Ability of a class to inherit properties and behavior from another class. Polymorphism: Ability to present the same interface for different data types. Abstraction: Hiding the complex implementation details and showing only the necessary features of an object.

Q72. ASP .NET Question

Explain the Middleware in ASP.NET Core.

Q73. What is Encapsulation where you implement and why?

Encapsulation is the concept of bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit, known as a class. Encapsulation helps in hiding the internal state of an object and restricting access to it. It allows for better control over the data by preventing direct access and manipulation from outside the class. Encapsulation also promotes code reusability and modularity by grouping related data and methods together. For example, in a class representing a bank acc...
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Q74. types of errors

Types of errors in software development Syntax errors: Mistakes in the code structure that prevent it from running Logic errors: Flaws in the algorithm that lead to incorrect results Runtime errors: Issues that occur while the program is running, such as division by zero Semantic errors: Errors in the meaning of the code that may not be caught by the compiler

Q75. what are the directives ?

Directives are instructions given to a computer program to perform specific tasks or actions. Directives are used in programming languages to control the behavior of the program. They provide instructions to the compiler or interpreter on how to process the code. Directives can define variables, include libraries, enable or disable certain features, etc. Examples of directives include #include in C/C++, import in Python, or using directives in C#. Directives are typically wr...
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Q76. Can you draft a notice based on a current situation provided to you?

Yes, I can draft a notice based on a current situation provided to me. I would need to understand the current situation and the purpose of the notice I would gather all relevant information and ensure accuracy I would use clear and concise language and follow any applicable legal requirements I would review and revise the notice as necessary Examples: notice of termination, notice of breach of contract, notice of change in policy

Q77. ASP .NET Question

Describe Attribute based routing.

Q78. What is state ,props, redux, asyncstorage,how to upload a build on test flight

State, props, Redux, AsyncStorage are key concepts in React Native. Uploading a build on TestFlight involves creating an IPA file and using Xcode. State is used to manage data within a component and can be updated using setState. Props are read-only data passed from parent to child components. Redux is a state management library for managing application state. AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system. To upload a build on Test...
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Q79. .NET Question

What is MVC?

Q80. Described Thunk and saga ?

Thunk and saga are middleware libraries used in Redux for handling asynchronous actions. Thunk is a function that wraps an expression to delay its evaluation. Saga is a generator function that allows for complex control flow and error handling. Thunk is simpler and easier to use, while Saga is more powerful and flexible. Example: Thunk can be used to dispatch an action after an API call is complete. Example: Saga can be used to handle multiple API calls and dispatch actions ...
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Q81. Constructor type casting its types

Constructor type casting involves converting one data type to another in a constructor. Constructor type casting is used to convert one data type to another in a constructor. It can be done implicitly or explicitly depending on the languages. For example, in Java, you can explicitly cast a data type in a constructor like this: int num = (int) doubleNum;

Q82. SQL Question

What are triggers?

Q83. ASP .NET Question

What is caching?

Q84. Life cycle method?

Life cycle methods are functions that are called at different stages of a component's life cycle in React. There are three categories of life cycle methods: mounting, updating, and unmounting. Mounting methods are called when a component is being created and inserted into the DOM. Updating methods are called when a component's state or props change. Unmounting methods are called when a component is being removed from the DOM. Examples of life cycle methods include componentD...
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Q85. What is the working flow in codeignitor

CodeIgniter follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. The request is first routed to the controller The controller loads the model and fetches data from the database The controller then loads the view and passes the data to it The view is then rendered and displayed to the user

Q86. Create simple ANN network using Tensorflow.

Creating a simple Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using Tensorflow. Import the necessary libraries like tensorflow and numpy. Define the input layer, hidden layers, and output layer. Compile the model with appropriate loss function and optimizer. Train the model using training data. Evaluate the model using test data.

Q87. What is oops. What is .net core What is Mssql. What is joins. What is union. What is procedures

Answers to common technical questions asked in a .NET Software Developer interview. OOPs stands for Object-Oriented Programming, a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent real-world entities. .NET Core is a cross-platform, open-source framework for building modern applications. MS SQL is a relational database management system used to store and retrieve data. Joins are used to combine data from two or more tables based on a related column. Union is used to combin...
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Q88. What is dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is a design pattern where components are given their dependencies rather than creating them internally. Dependency Injection helps in achieving loose coupling between classes. It allows for easier testing by providing mock dependencies. There are three types of Dependency Injection: Constructor Injection, Setter Injection, and Interface Injection.

Q89. Create the virtual environment using cmd.

Q90. Events in Jquery as well as selectors with example

Jquery events and selectors with examples Jquery events are actions that occur when a user interacts with a web page Selectors are used to select HTML elements based on their tag name, class, or ID Examples of events include click, hover, and submit Examples of selectors include $('p'), $('.class'), and $('#id')

Q91. Difference between Interfaces and abstraction?

Interfaces define contracts for classes to implement, while abstraction is a way to hide implementation details. Interfaces are like a blueprint that defines what methods a class must implement. Abstraction is a concept where we hide the implementation details and show only the necessary features of an object. Interfaces can have multiple inheritance, while abstraction is achieved using abstract classes or interfaces. Example: Interface 'Shape' may have methods like 'calcula...
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Q92. lifecycle hooks of angular

Angular lifecycle hooks are methods that allow you to tap into specific moments in the lifecycle of a component or directive. ngOnInit() - called after the component is initialized ngOnChanges() - called when the component's input properties change ngDoCheck() - called during every change detection run ngAfterContentInit() - called after content is projected into the component ngAfterContentChecked() - called after every check of projected content ngAfterViewInit() - called ...
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Q93. Code a revised string

Code a revised string by replacing certain characters with specified values. Create a function that takes in a string and an array of replacement values Iterate through the string and replace characters based on the replacement values Return the revised string

Q94. Write a program for polymer

A program for polymer involves creating a code to model the behavior of polymer chains. Define the structure of a polymer chain using classes or data structures Implement functions to simulate polymer chain movement and interactions Consider factors like chain length, bond angles, and energy levels in the simulation

Q95. What is Oops? Advantage and disadvantage

Oops stands for Object-Oriented Programming. It is a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent real-world entities. Advantages: code reusability, modularity, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism Disadvantages: complexity, steep learning curve, performance overhead Example: creating a class 'Car' with properties like 'make', 'model', and 'year', and methods like 'start_engine' and 'stop_engine'

Q96. Filter in MVC

Filter in MVC is used to retrieve a subset of data from a larger dataset based on certain criteria. Filters can be applied to data in the model or in the view. Filters can be used to sort, group, or limit the data returned. Filters can be implemented using LINQ or other query languages. Examples of filters include date range filters, category filters, and search filters.

Q97. Build xg bost model(actaul code)

Building an xgboost model involves training a gradient boosting algorithm for classification or regression tasks. Install xgboost library using pip install xgboost Import necessary libraries like xgboost, numpy, and pandas Prepare the data by splitting into training and testing sets Instantiate an xgboost classifier or regressor object Fit the model on the training data using the fit method Make predictions on the test data using the predict method

Q98. What is collections?

Collections are data structures that store and organize multiple objects or values. Collections are used to group related data together. They provide methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements. Examples of collections in iOS include arrays, sets, and dictionaries.

Q99. What is regression and smoke testing

Regression testing is retesting of previously tested functionality to ensure that changes or fixes have not introduced new defects. Smoke testing is a subset of regression testing that focuses on testing the critical functionalities of an application. Regression testing is performed to verify that changes or fixes in software have not introduced new defects or caused existing functionalities to fail. It involves retesting of previously tested functionalities to ensure their ...
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Q100. Various test data findings techniques

Various techniques to find test data Boundary value analysis Equivalence partitioning Decision table testing State transition testing Pairwise testing Random testing
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