LRU Cache Implementation Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache to support the following operations: 1. get(key) - Return the value of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1. 2. put(key, value), Insert the value in the cache if the key is not already present or up...
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Answer :Structure of an LRU Cache :1) In practice, LRU cache is a kind of Queue — if an element is reaccessed, it goes to the end of the eviction order.2) This queue will have a specific capacity as t...
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Array Approach We will use an array of type Pair<key, value> to implement our LRU Cache where the larger the index is, the more recently the key is used. Means, the 0th index denotes the least r...
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Using HahMap with Queue We will use two data structures to implement our LRU Cache. Queue<Node>: To store the nodes into cache where the least recently used key will be the head node and th...
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