Rigid pavement:- embankment to GSB layer same process of flexible pavement. DLC:- 150mm thicknes aggregate size 26.5mm,maximum water content 2%, Soundness test Naso4 12%, MGSO4 18, Angle of abrasion <35% max FI&EI<35%,equivalent weight of sand not less than 50%, aggregate should not to be alkali. MDD,OMC as per design. The minimum cement content 150 kg per cum.if the flyash more than 20% ,The minimum cement content 110 kg per cum Use M15 grade concrete. , Five sample of cube test after 7 days 15 MPA and one sample cube test 7.5 MPA If Dlc carried from hiwa ort truk covered by tarpolin the minimum optimum moisture content +/_2%. . Dlc laid by excavator bucket. Electromagnetic electronic paver sensior machine dlc thicknesses 150mm properly compacted. Proper compaction no segregation and blending proper compaction dlc surfaces 98% and edge 95%, tolerance +/_6mm,workabilitey of concrete nil. 7day dlc surface cloth and beg laying on dlc surface sprinkler water drop down on surface.curing. after 7days curing of DLC surface. Traffic allow ,


The question discusses the process and specifications for laying rigid pavement using DLC and M15 grade concrete.

  • Rigid pavement process similar to flexible pavement

  • DLC specifications - 150mm thickness...read more

150 mm
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